Rain, rain, go away!

While it’s rained on our parade before, we are keeping our fingers crossed it won’t again. But given the rain we’ve had the last few Saturdays, we are making alternate plans and, yes, *obsessively* checking the weather forecast! Rest assured, the 20th Annual Hometown Festival WILL GO ON, rain or shine and we hope you will still come out and join in the fun either way!

💦 Our morning events — the 5k and parade — are on schedule rain or shine.
💦 The Downhill Derby will be cancelled if the Race Director feels the road is too wet to safely run the race.
💦 If the forecast is for intermittent showers, we will proceed with all planned entertainment and activities (including food and drink) in the Town Park and downtown area, using tents as shelter if needed.
💦 If thunder and lightning develop, we will pause programming until the storm passes. Shelter can be found at the Round Hill Volunteer Fire and Rescue and the Round Hill Baptist Church.
💦 If by Thursday it looks like the day will be a 100% washout, then we have Round Hill Elementary School reserved as a full-day rain site.

Please check this page for further updates as we get closer to the Festival, and keep your fingers crossed for sunny skies and a break in this month’s pattern of rainy Saturdays!